Accessible Seating Considerations in Church

The Importance of Accessible Seating in Churches Inclusivity in church seating is paramount to ensuring that all members of the congregation, including those with disabilities, can participate fully in worship and community activities. Here are a few factors that should be taken into account: Long-term Comfort: Providing chairs…

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Theo chairs are installed at Winchester Cathedral

  Winchester Cathedral: Theo Winchester Cathedral, one of England’s most iconic religious sites, needed comfortable and functional seating to accommodate its growing congregation. Our Theo chairs were the perfect solution with their unique design and high-quality materials. “Although the old chairs served the cathedral well over time, they…

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What are the benefits of stacking chairs in churches?

If you’re reading this, the chances are you’re considering swapping your church pews for chairs. While this may seem like a daunting decision, there are many benefits to choosing stacking chairs over pews. Here are just a few reasons why the stacking chair is the best option for…

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Why are churches replacing pews with chairs?

As times change, so do our traditions, and it seems that churches are no exception to this. One noticeable trend in recent years has been the gradual replacement of traditional pews with stackable chairs. This trend has been met with mixed reactions, with some people embracing the change…

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