St Mary’s Walthamstow

SW19 (2)

St Mary's Walthamstow: Abbey

After successfully securing funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, St Mary's Walthamstow sought to replace their old pews with more versatile seating options.

A view of the church with their old pews
A view of the church with their old pews

They chose 260 of our Abbey chairs which provide a more contemporary look and feel without detracting from the traditional beauty of the church.

To maintain symmetry and even rows the brace-style linking option was selected, and the team also opted for arms on some of the aisle seating for added comfort.

St Marys 24

More than just a good looking chair, Abbey is also a very practical option for churches, weighing just 6.5kg. It can also be stacked up to 40 high on a bespoke trolley, meaning they can easily be transported and stored away when not in use.

SW19 (1)
SW19 (3)
SW19 (5)
SW19 (6)
St Marys 7

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